Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lover At Last by J.R Ward

Whaaaaat?! TWO simultaneous posts? HOW FRIGGIN COOL AM I?!


Anywhoo, here ya go. Make of it what you will and bother me not with foolish questions. For I do it all for thou.


**2 GENEROUS stars**

Lover At Last in ten lines - More or less:

The Omega: "Make more impotent, pigment challenged men so we can sell drugs."

Qhuinn: (While crying) "Blaylock is having sex with my man-whore cousin and I seemed to have lost my ability to function because of it."

Layla: (after declaring herself a Fallen Chosen) "I can do naught but think of him...and berate myself for thinking of such a traitorous male."

Assail: "I am a cheap Rehvenge reboot with two "twins" I call Trez 2 and iAin't." [Instead of iAm. Get it?]

Qhuinn: (As he begs Blay to have sex with him.) "I'll take you any way I can have you."

Blaylock: "Too bad. I really love you, too but our author placed all these unnecessary plot devices in my way so I can't tell you."

Xcor: "I long for my dearest Chosen who is too good for me but continue to plot against her King who shelters, feeds and protects her."

Qhuinn: "FUCKIN' RIGHT, I'm inducted to the Brotherhood! But Blay still hates me so I'll go drink myself into oblivion."

Blaylock: "You're in love with me Qhuinn? Really?"

Ward: "And they lived happily ever after."


But seriously, though. This is basically it. That last line, the happily ever after one, is REALLY in the book. Like Ward couldn't figure out another way to end it. I was all

wtf gif photo: WTF ? image-10.gif

I didn't really have high expectations of this book because come on, were her last two really that good? But, somehow I still found myself disappointed.

Not a single line in this book did Qhuinn any justice. Every page in this book made him sound inept, stupid, incapable and whiny. Although I was less than pleased with most of this book, it did help me see that I don't really like him and Blaylock together like I thought I would. Three books ago, I was all for "Qhuay" and I was up in arms when two other books came, went and SUCKED and there was nothing even remotely indicative of Qhuinn and Blaylock even being friends much less starting a relationship. But now, I'm all

No gif photo: No No! NO_NO.gif

It just doesn't work for me. Or at least, it doesn't now. How it was written just made Qhuinn so codependent and blah if he wasn't with him. Which, for me just didn't do much. What happened to the strong males who lived up to their Vampire names? Protected the King of the race with their own lives? Ripped lessers to itty bitty pieces for their mates and plow through anything and anyone to get them?

And just generally kick ass?! Where have they gone? Has me feeling like this

where have you been gif photo: rihanna gif Rihanna-Where-Have-You-Been.gif

If you don't know that song...go to google and search Rihanna. Cause she's fuckin' awesome.

Anysnooch, Blay was a mountain of dicks throughout the entire book. Treated Qhuinn like a common whore and not his former best friend....And that's really all I have to say about that. Oh, and he came out to his parents. That part was awesome. His parents rock.

Saxton...meh. He never was a favorite of mine so I wasn't particularly broken up about his hurt feelings.

shrug gif photo:  tumblr_lkt5qe5wmr1qdgihc.gif

Layla's pregnancy bits are one of the few aspects of this book that I did like. I kept skimming through most of everything else to know what happened and I must admit, I'm happy with how it turned out. I also really liked her little bit with Xcor. I don't know what it is, but I really like those two together. Xcor would just be so appreciative of her love and Layla would be absolutely doted on. Aside from the issue with him being a Bastard and her being a Chosen living in the King's house and all that, I think he'll somehow end up her HEA. Ward is very hush hush on the matter but if enough fans express their liking for that particular pairing, she'll make it happen. Wanna know how I know? Because we have Qhuay. Even though Ward said she already knew who Qhuinn's female would be like, five books ago. *Shrug*

Wrath, Payne, some Trez and Selena and the Layla/Xcor bits are probably the only redeeming qualities for this book. Most of it really dragged for me.

It wasn't all bad, though. This book really put into stark relief how much I dislike her writing style. All the "Umm...Yeah"ing, the "What do you know"s and basically the little bits that just make you think her characters are just so cool get on my nerves. It was okay in the beginning but ten books later and I'm over it. One of my main issues with Ward is her timelines. She waffles on them and confuses her readers. It's also very obvious that no one bothers to edit this woman anymore. So many pages and too much of it did nothing to push the plot along. We got almost nothing about the lessers and what they're doing besides working with a vampire to sell more drugs. It's old, dude. Can we do something else?

I won't even bother to get into the bad missteps concerning her M/M love scenes. I'm sure you'll read many a ranting review about the absence of lube or finger prep all on your onesie sabby. [Sorry, Watched some Jack Sparrow lately.]

She has so many characters and side storylines that I'm confused about why she even bothers with the lessers anyway. Trez and his issue with his people, Sola and her grandmother, Assail and his Shadow dopplegangers, The Bastards and their quest for the throne that Ward seems to be hellbent on giving to Xcor. It's just so much that I find myself not caring about more than half of it.

All in all, I give this book a shrug. I'm so dangerously close to dropping the series that I kind of don't care whose book is next. Undoubtedly, it'll be full of more romance than action. Which sucks. She's lost so much of the war with lessers to the romance, that I don't know if she can make this next book magic enough to save this series.

**Images Copyright to their Respective Owners

The Misunderstood "Alpha Male"

Essentially, this post is just a branch off my last post about a particular subset of romance novels that have taken the reading world by storm in the last year or so.

The post in question can be found HERE. Peruse it, get familiar with it if you like. If you do not care to read it, then I'll paraphrase as best as I can. 

Abusive books, blahblahblah, Young women being misled in the ways of romance, blahblah. I'm appalled that people read these kinds of books and praise them as much as they do when they live unhealthy relationships and know how uncool it is, blahbleeeblooo. Authors using BDSM as a smokescreen for abusive 'heroes' - and I use that term loosely. My hero doesn't need to know my bank account number or need me to sign a contract before we engage in physical activities. - blah. You get the picture.

Yes. I can "blah" myself. I wrote it. :P

Anywho, I've been cruising Goodreads aimlessly. Ya know, because the idea of sleeping is a joke. And I've come to realize that people have been shelving these books as "Alpha Male". 

I don't understand. There's being an Alpha Male and then there's abusing folks. BIG difference to the women who've been on the business end of a fist or verbal rant. But we won't go there. That's a topic of a different sort.

Wait. I'll break it down.

**Alpha male
An alpha male is the top-ranking animal in a social group.


**Human examples
Alpha male can also refer to an aggressive, highly-ranked man in a human group – usually in a business setting.

Alright. I got that. Here's what I'm getting an ear and eye-full of.

Abuse is a term used for the use or treatment of something which causes hurt. Abuse is generally done by another life form. For example, animal abuse is normally done on animals, by humans. Drug or alcohol abuse is the misuse (especially overuse) of drugs or alcohol. Abuse can also occur when somebody of a higher class thinks they are better than another and hurts them to make their status clear.Abuse can be raping, or sexism.

Yep. Sounds about right. Abuse covered by a smokescreen deemed "alpha male".

What I want to know is, in what world do these two terms meet in the middle? 

I don't get it gif photo:  rrpa2u.gif

And will we ever call bullshit on what seems to be the new fad in books? --A.


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