Rejection. Ugh, I shudder with dread every time I hear it.
Rejection is hard. We're brought up our entire lives conditioned to believe this, so we do. Want the truth? Yes, rejection is hard but it is not the end all, be all. You can get back up. And you get back up swinging, people! The moment you let the sadness from rejection filter out into your everyday life, is the moment you need to shake yourself and get a grip.
People tell you no when you're small, people tell you no when you're bigger and people will - guess what? - STILL tell you no when you're biggest. It's just the way the world works. Everyone can't get a yes all the time. Think of how insane this world would be if people's random - and sometimes dangerous - ideas weren't curbed with a no every now and then. It would be ANARCHY.
Thus, we have the word no. Just remember, all those other people say no so that someday, somewhere, someone GREAT will say yes.