Sadly, I have fallen off and become a slacker in all things books. Writing this blog, writing my own books, reading books, reviewing books...all of it came to a very abrupt halt basically after that last post of mine back in September. [Gasp!] BUT...this is where things get exciting, guys...I HAVE REVIVED MY LIFE. I am back to reading books, writing books and back to this blog as well! Oh, my gah people. You cannot possibly understand how happy I am that this has happened.
Given my rapid decline in bookish activities, I thought it best to start out slowly. SO, I've set my Goodreads 2016 Reading Challenge to 35 books. Solid number, right? I like it, too. I am so pleased to announce that I am 6 books ahead of schedule. Not, 4. Not 1, but SIX books. *Breaks for a happy dance* Some of you won't understand but all my bookish people who've known the struggle of a reading rut....YOU FEEL ME. And it's REAL.
So, of the 11 books, I've read so far this year, 6 of them are historical romance. Anyone who knows me is gasping or choking on coffee right now. First off, straight up romance is not my bag. Add in historical to the title, and I used to run even faster. But Tessa Dare writes a mean HR, I'll tell you that much. As a matter of fact, I think I'll get back to Once Upon A Winter's Eve. The next post you see of mine will be a review of one of her amazeballs Historical Romances.
Until the morrow!
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Happy Reading!