I take responsibility for your lack of reviews but I will impart some of the blame onto your darling brothers and sisters who have stolen my attention and have made it absolutely impossible for me not to pick them up and read them first. *Cough* Blame Darynda Jones and Sophie Jordan *Cough*.
So, my dear ones. I am saddened to say that some of you may not get a review - Yes, Through The Ever Night, this means you - but there are a couple of you awesome ones that deserve to be chucked on the chin by G-d, himself. Yeah, Uninvited, you sweet thing, you. You're getting one. *Blows kiss* You, too over there The Ward.
Aaaand, a couple of you are getting reviews that may or may not will be full of snark. Mhmmm, Everneath, I'm looking at you. You, too A Shade Of Vampire. You two will most definitely be getting your reviews. Come hell or high water!
So, in conclusion I just ask that you be patient with me. These past months I've had some personal problems going on with my family that took precedence over pretty much everything else in my life. I didn't want to post another 'Update' post because come on, you're tired of reading them and I'm tired of writing them. Just know that I'm here when I can be and that the few of you who do actually take the time and read my blog are very important to me and I thank you. The aforementioned four books will be getting their reviews up within the next couple of weeks and I only hope you enjoy them.
But why wouldn't you? I'm friggin' hilarious?