Monday, February 24, 2014

Second Grave On The Left By Darynda Jones AOTM BR


**Four Stars!**

I'm not quite exactly sure why now, but at the time of reading this, I gave it four stars. I don't particularly remember anything too speshul about Second Grave but.... Yeah. What I do remember is that it was melodramatic. And I really did not get the whole "Hot enough to bake cookies on his abs" thing about Reyes. He was not hot to me. He was not sexy. He was...the anti-sexy.

Kinda like this 

  not hot gif photo:  PuckDancing.gif 

He was abrasive, mean, and just....the anti-sexy. *Sigh* I won't make you look at the gif again, but you catch my drift. He was a mountain of dicks throughout the entire damn thing. I wasn't really a big fan of Charley throughout a lot of this either. She swore she knew what was best for Reyes and that he needed his corporeal body and that she'd be able to help him through it....even though he'd expressed how much he'd like the exact opposite.

In the first book, it was announced who Reyes really was and sadly, we didn't get much development on that side of things. Instead we got to search for a missing friend of Cookie's who wasn't actually really missing while a few of said 'missing' woman's friends wake up dead. I forget the plot because it just wasn't that interesting but in the end, someone comes out, a few more someone's die, a couple interesting ghosts move on, actual demons terrorize Reyes's corporeal body and Charley drinks coffee. All. The. Time.

Cookie was a delight, as always. Garret....LAHV him. He's delicious, wrapped in just the right amount of funny, dipped in awesomeness and garnished with badassery. Yes. That's a always was just greatness is a bad suit.

The action wasn't lacking but I'm not surprised about that. The forced wit and sarcasm was toned down quite a bit, thankfully and I actually found a person underneath the too-witty jabs and quips. I realized that I quite like who I found - aside from the extremely selfish act she commits at the end of the book - and I've obviously enjoyed this book enough to give it four stars and keep reading. But trust three is where it really starts getting interesting.

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