Monday, July 14, 2014

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins


**2.5 Stars**

I had a hard time getting through this book. Not because it was bad, I actually liked it. But not enough to give it three or more stars. The premise.....GIRR. Let me tell you how awesome this premise is.

Daughters and sons of Fallen Angels. They exist solely to tempt humans into sin. Their role in the grand scheme of things is to entice and lead humans into a life of sin and, ultimately, self destruction in an effort to tweak the nipples and undo of The Creator. 


I should've been foaming at the mouth as I read this. And for the first ten pages I was. Picture this. A dark night club, teenagers in a cramped sweaty place, all watching and rocking out to this cool band with good music. All of the band members are hot because, why wouldn't they be? But there's the drummer. Kaiden Rowe. Hot, rebellious-looking, and British. (That one turned my crank, but we'll get to that later.) Immediately, Saint Anna is drawn to him because she can't see his colors.

Oh, Saint Anna can 'see' people's emotions and whatnot. Kind of like ocular empathy, if you will.

Back to the club....She can't see his colors and immediately notices he has a weird pattern of colors on his chest. That, coupled with the fact that he's "hot" = melting panties. For several girls on several occasions. As is his reputation.  It was just too much, too soon. Why is there a British teenager in the middle of Atlanta? Why does he have to be British? Ah! I got it. He has to be British so when he says normally unsexy things such as, put some ice cream on that cookie, it sounds like "put some ice cream on that biscuit and allow me to lick it slowly with smoldery eyes."

It all makes sense now!

 I get it gif photo:  tumblr_lsi9xhyEYe1qbl4e7o5_250.gif