Saturday, April 12, 2014

The King By J.R Ward Book Review

Shall we?


**2.85 Stars!**

The King in ten lines - More or less:


Wrath: No babies. *Leaves and almost kills Payne in a sparring session.*

John Matthew: *As he seizes every time he lays eyes on Beth* [Comes to and just has a worried expression every single moment of every day.]

Assail: *Snorts coke*

Trez: The s'Hisbe want me to marry the Princess...but I'm lusting after this surprisingly bold Chosen.

Beth: NEED. BABY. *Slaps Wrath then goes to overeat, be emotional and feel shockingly exhausted....but not pregnant at all. Not even a little bit.*

Xcor: We must needs trick the glymera into thinking they shall keep the crown...and once they have it we kill them all....but wait. Permit me to go daydream about this Chosen [Who should've been fallen since the last book] whom I can never be good enough for.

Layla: That magnificent, treasonous, strong, disloyal male plagues my every thought. *Calls him on a whim. Panics when the sound of his phone ringing is on the other side of the wall she's behind. But doesn't run in the house to alert anyone.*

Selena: Verily, this male intrigues me...but this [new] 'disease' upon me stops me from truly allowing myself to commit my emotion fully to him. For I shall die soon...

Wrath: Holy shit, Beth! We didn't even need your needing to come on. You were already pregnant and I didn't even sense the young growing inside you with my super pure-bred vampire senses or anything!

Assail snorts more coke, Sola is still boring, Beth and Wrath end up having a young - surprise! A boy. Trez worms his way out of having to go back to the "Territory" to be the sex slave to the Princess.....aaaaand not much else interesting happens.

I suppose I didn't have too many problems with this book as I did the last. You can click HERE to go see that review if you please. Man, that one the review. I can say that I enjoyed this one HEAPS more than I did Lover At Last, but when you think about isn't really saying much.

We've already been through Ward and the ruins that are her timelines. And the fact that it would appear that she doesn't know or remember what she's already had happen in her past book. Par example: John's seizures were supposed to be over. And here we have him seizing out when he sees Beth. Xhex remarked somewhere in their book - I believe it was at their mating - that the separation in John's emotional grid had meshed and became one...Now she has Xhex saying that it's like he's two people.

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Whatevs, woman. How about you read your own books before writing a new one rather than having your assistant do it for you. That way there can be no mistakes.

The Assail and Sola bits....SNOOZE. Assail is a cheap reboot of Rehvenge and I'm just over him. The rule of thumb is if you sell it, you don't use it. And he uses. A lot. Him helping out her grandmother and 'rescuing' Sola...meh. I suppose it was written to induce an emotional reaction out of readers and make us feel that he is worthy of redemption...but I didn't feel it.

Trez and his issues...I rather liked those. I've always been interested in the Shadows and what it is that they do...even though Ward got a little lazy and just said that Shadows weren't 'like normal vampires'. And that's it. For real, though? Solid.

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He weasels out of it...won't tell you how. But I wasn't mad at how that happened. I also wasn't mad about him and Selena. Woooooo-EEEEE. GURRR. That Chosen is one of my favorite females. She is not afraid to say and get what she wants. I admire that in a woman.

She got what she wanted...Trez flipped the fuck out because she was a virgin and sadly Ward ends the book without anymore light shed on that one. But we were, however, introduced to this new disease Selena is suffering from. Apparently she's going to stiffen until she eventually petrifies. And her statue will be put in some hall/cemetery on The Other Side.

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Why? Is this the first time we're hearing about this? Have we heard about it in another book but I skimmed past that part? THAT'S SO STOOOPID. Why is she gonna petrify? Because she doesn't have the love of a male? If so, Ward you missed. Again.

Layla...won't go to far into her but let me just tell you how fucking simple, idiotic and out of character she was. The Layla that made sure she got some lovin' from Qhuinn during her needing is not this bitch. This Layla is the simple female who took her ass out of the house on several cold nights - when she'd just missed a miscarriage scare by the skin of her fangs - to meet Xcor. The mofo hellbent on taking the crown of your beloved King. The mofo who shot your King and almost killed him.

But that's not even the best part! She was on one of her little 3am walks in the garden, gets a hankering to call the traitor and as she does, she hears his phone ringing On the other side of the fucking wall. Yeah. Like right outside the Brotherhood compound. Outside the King's home. Where all the Brothers and their Shellans - and Nalla - sleeps. And she doesn't go in the house to tell anyone. Instead she goes outside the gate to him.

At this point I was done with Layla completely...or so I thought I was. But no, Ward thought she'd kill her thoroughly in my mind. After talking with Xcor in the cold...she decides to offer him a trade. Her in exchange for him to abandon his pursuit or the throne.

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Qhuinn, Blay, Rhage, Butch and the females were non-factors in this book. Not even mentioning most of them.

Ward seems to have missed the part in Tohr's book where she said Xhex fights with the Brotherhood - just not with John - because apparently now Payne is the only female who fights with them.


What did we learn today, kids?

That it's okay to offer your pregnant body to a male whose given you every reason to fear him and none at all to trust him if you're doing it so your King can keep the throne. Even though you pretty much sulk about not being with him all night and day and in the end you would've ended up with him anyway. But it's for your King this time. So it's okay.

That it's okay to plot to dethrone the King because - haa! We outmaneuvered you and still got to keep it anyway! And you get to stay alive, too.

That's it's okay to be inconsistent in your own books because you make buckets of money and people will buy it anyway.

I swear, that's all it boils down to.

I can check another series off my TBR list.