**2 Stars**
As some of you know - and most of you care nothing about - I decided to start an Author Of The Month thing and I started with Amanda R. Browning and her first book titled Birth Of The Nyxian.
That being said, I didn't care much for what I read and I only got about 45% done. I started it on 7/21, or so Goodreads says, and on 8/10, I was only 45% done. It never takes me that long to read a book. And still, today on 9/8, I have not finished it nor do I have any desire to do so.
Harlow and Aiden are just too perfect for each other. Harlow loves vampires and Aiden loves that she loves vampires and isn't afraid of them. Harlow has long auburn hair and Aiden loves girls with auburn hair. Aiden is Irish

It's just too much. There was no building of their relationship, nothing to make her think twice, no courting - it was basically insta-love. There were absolutely no plot devices - when there should have been - to try and force them apart - NADA. It was too perfect.
The sex scenes weren't terrible....but they weren't great either. Par example: "I lifted myself and aligned him with my entrance."

I'm pretty sure it was an attempt to have 'tasteful' and non-descriptive sex scenes but the effort doesn't come across in the writing. I read somewhere that this was "YA" but I highly doubt that. there ARE sex scenes, all characters are very adult and the situations are nothing a teen - even when suspending reality - would be able to relate to.
Technically, this book was all over the map. There were very few typos, if any. But the POV's all sounded the same, things that Harlow had already explained that happened were getting repeated by Aiden in his POV, the dialogue was pretty bad - I mean, nothing flowed. It was written without the reader in mind. Every situation was explained to the point where there was no guessing and no suspense. It was very predictable. Which beta readers and any editor worth his or her salt should have caught and red flagged BEFORE publishing. Mind you, I'd only read just under half of this book.
I suppose if I read more, I would understand where Nyx fit into all of this, but from what I read - which should have been more than enough to explain - Nyx felt like an afterthought thrown in to try and spice up a love story. Which is really what this was about, IMO. I'm all for love stories, but when the rest of your story is consumed and overshadowed by the believablity of your love story, you have a problem.
I didn't care much for the writing, the characters or the storyline but for people who LOVE sappy romance, I say go for it and you'll more than likely love it. Those like me who like action and a really plot-driven book with twists and turns, I would not recommend this to you.
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